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No-Code Data Warehouse

Centralize your data for better analysis and reporting. We handle the data engineering, so you can focus on creating value by creating insights.


Why create a Data Warehouse?

Centralizing and combining your marketing data allows for better reporting through purpose built databases for handling analytics data at any scale.

All Your Data in One Place

Consolidate your data across multiple channels for quick and efficient reporting

Quick and Easy to get started

Set up takes only a few minutes, and we handle the historic and daily data sync for you

Affordable Price

Pay only for what you need with no commitments and the data is always yours


What is a Data Warehouse and
how does it work?

A Data Warehouse is simply a centralized place to store and organize your marketing data.

Data Warehouses are different to normal data storage as they are purpose built to handle analytic workloads so your reports will be faster to load and you can easily combine data from multiple sources to get a single view.

How do I create a Data Warehouse?

Simply select the data source and destination to create a Data Pipeline. The pipeline will then extract your historical data and run continuously to fetch new data and push into your Data Warehouse. All without code or anything to install.

Once your warehouse is created you can use familiar tools like Google Data Studio to analyze and report on your data.

Frequently asked questions

1. What is a Data Warehouse?

A Data Warehouse is the centralized storage of your marketing (and possibly other) data for querying and reporting.

2. What is a Source and Destination?

A Data Source is where the data is coming from and the Destination is where the data is being stored. An example of a Data Source is Google Business Profile and a Destination is Google Big Query.

3. Do I really need a Data Warehouse?

Although Data Warehouse's sound technical and only for large business they are essentially just centralized storage of data. The warehouse part is almost invisible in most applications as you can use Data Studio in the same way you use any other connector. You get the same drag and drop functionality you are familiar with but with the added speed benefit of using Google's very fast and scalable database BigQuery.

4. How does the pricing work?

Each connection to a data source is counted in credits, with the credits varying depending on the complexity of the data. See our pricing page for what each data source will consume in credits.

5. Does the trial have any restrictions?

You will have 10 credits to create Pipelines and all historical data is included. If you get to the end of trial and need some help working out the correct plan and credits needed, just let us know.

6. What happens to my data if I cancel?

Need to cancel? No problems, just cancel the plan in the subscription management section of the App and the account will continue to run until the end of your billing period. No fees, no hoops to jump through, and you keep your data in BigQuery.

7. I'm still unsure on the pricing, can you help me?

We sure can, please get in touch with us, and we will happily take you through the costs and explore the right plan for you.

Marketing Intelligence and Automation

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