Reporting to clients or stakeholders can take many shapes and formats, so instead of locking you into a single report, you have the full flexibility to create a report that suits your needs.
Example of a dashboard created in Looker Studio with Jepto data.
Create native graphs in Looker Studio with your predictive data.
Centralize your Advertising spend data in Looker Studio reports with complete layout control.
View activities across all of your marketing data to create a rich report in seconds.
Field | Type | Description |
Acknowledged |
When any User Acknowledges the Insight this is set to True |
Budget Chart |
Image of the Jepto Chart (Note: Looker Studio down scales quality) |
Budget Currency |
Text of the currency used in the Budget |
Budget Daily Target Average |
The amount you should spend on a daily basis to meet your target |
Budget Days Elapsed |
The amount of days so far in the current budget period |
Budget Days Remaining |
The amount of days remaining in the current budget period |
Budget End Date |
Date of the end of the reporting period |
Budget Estimate |
Calculation of the daily average of the period to date, projected forward to the Budget end date |
Budget Estimated (Cumulative) |
Calculation of the daily average of the period to date, projected forward to the Budget end date. (Adjusted for Cumulative charts) |
Budget Estimated Percent |
Budget Estimate compared to your target as a percentage |
Budget ID |
A 16 character alphanumeric System defined ID |
Budget Name |
Auto generated name or custom name given to the Budget |
Budget Pacing |
The amount you are above or below the target for the period to date |
Budget Pacing Direction |
Value showing if your period to date pacing is above or below your target |
Budget Source |
Data source of the Budget (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc.) |
Budget Source Image |
Budget Spend |
The amount you have spent |
Budget Spend Average |
The daily average spent, over the period to date |
Budget Spend Percent |
The percentage you have spent compared to your target |
Budget Start Date |
Date of the start of the reporting period |
Budget Status |
Value of the Budget Status (On Track, Warning, Critical) |
Budget Target |
Budget Target Range Lower |
The lower limit of your daily threshold to be On Track |
Budget Target Range Lower (Cumulative) |
The lower limit of your daily threshold to be On Track. (Adjusted for Cumulative charts) |
Budget Target Range Upper |
The upper limit of your daily threshold to be On Track |
Budget Target Range Upper (Cumulative) |
The upper limit of your daily threshold to be On Track. (Adjusted for Cumulative charts) |
Client Name |
Client Name |
Comment |
The comment text (Note: Formatting may be stripped) |
Comment Date |
When the comment was created |
Comment Method |
How the comment was added (App, Slack, API or Zapier) |
Comment Type |
Comment or Note |
Date |
Date the Insight was created or data point of a KPI |
Insight External ID |
A reference that can be used for linking external Project Management tools |
Insight ID |
A 16 character alphanumeric System defined ID |
Insight Reference |
A sequential numeric ID used to easily reference an individual Insight |
Insight Report |
Information regarding the Insight (Note: Only available for Anomalies) |
Insight Summary |
Top level summary of why the Insight was created |
Insight Title |
Auto generated title of the Insight |
Job Type |
Feature of the item (KPI, Budget, Anomaly, Automation) |
KPI Actual |
Value of the KPI metric you are tracking for a Date |
KPI Actual Percentage |
Value achieved so far of your target |
KPI Calculated Metric |
Value for determining if metric used in KPI is Calculated |
KPI Chart |
Image of the Jepto Chart (Note: Looker Studio down scales quality) |
KPI Currency |
Symbol of the currency used in the data source of the KPI |
KPI End Date |
Date of the end of the reporting period |
A 16 character alphanumeric System defined ID |
KPI Name |
Auto generated name or custom name given to the KPI |
KPI Pacing |
The amount you are above or below the target for the period to date |
KPI Pacing Direction |
Value showing if your period to date pacing is above or below your target |
KPI Period |
Period of time the KPI is calculated over |
KPI Period Days Remaining |
Number of days left in the reporting period |
KPI Period Days Remaining Percentage |
Value representing the percentage of time left in the reporting period |
KPI Period To Date Performance |
Daily value for Calculated metrics |
KPI Prediction |
Value predicted by the Machine Learning algorithm for a Date |
KPI Prediction (Cumulative) |
Value predicted by the Machine Learning algorithm for a Date |
Field | Type | Description |
Acknowledged |
When any User Acknowledges the Insight this is set to True |
Budget Chart |
Image of the Jepto Chart (Note: Looker Studio down scales quality) |
Budget Currency |
Text of the currency used in the Budget |
Budget Daily Target Average |
The amount you should spend on a daily basis to meet your target |
Budget Days Elapsed |
The amount of days so far in the current budget period |
Budget Days Remaining |
The amount of days remaining in the current budget period |
Budget End Date |
Date of the end of the reporting period |
Budget Estimate |
Calculation of the daily average of the period to date, projected forward to the Budget end date |
Budget Estimated (Cumulative) |
Calculation of the daily average of the period to date, projected forward to the Budget end date. (Adjusted for Cumulative charts) |
Budget Estimated Percent |
Budget Estimate compared to your target as a percentage |
Budget ID |
A 16 character alphanumeric System defined ID |
Budget Name |
Auto generated name or custom name given to the Budget |
Budget Pacing |
The amount you are above or below the target for the period to date |
Budget Pacing Direction |
Value showing if your period to date pacing is above or below your target |
Budget Source |
Data source of the Budget (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc.) |
Budget Source Image |
Budget Spend |
The amount you have spent |
Budget Spend Average |
The daily average spent, over the period to date |
Budget Spend Percent |
The percentage you have spent compared to your target |
Budget Start Date |
Date of the start of the reporting period |
Budget Status |
Value of the Budget Status (On Track, Warning, Critical) |
Budget Target |
Budget Target Range Lower |
The lower limit of your daily threshold to be On Track |
Budget Target Range Lower (Cumulative) |
The lower limit of your daily threshold to be On Track. (Adjusted for Cumulative charts) |
Budget Target Range Upper |
The upper limit of your daily threshold to be On Track |
Budget Target Range Upper (Cumulative) |
The upper limit of your daily threshold to be On Track. (Adjusted for Cumulative charts) |
Client Name |
Client Name |
Comment |
The comment text (Note: Formatting may be stripped) |
Comment Date |
When the comment was created |
Comment Method |
How the comment was added (App, Slack, API or Zapier) |
Comment Type |
Comment or Note |
Date |
Date the Insight was created or data point of a KPI |
Insight External ID |
A reference that can be used for linking external Project Management tools |
Insight ID |
A 16 character alphanumeric System defined ID |
Insight Reference |
A sequential numeric ID used to easily reference an individual Insight |
Insight Report |
Information regarding the Insight (Note: Only available for Anomalies) |
Insight Summary |
Top level summary of why the Insight was created |
Insight Title |
Auto generated title of the Insight |
Job Type |
Feature of the item (KPI, Budget, Anomaly, Automation) |
KPI Actual |
Value of the KPI metric you are tracking for a Date |
KPI Actual Percentage |
Value achieved so far of your target |
KPI Calculated Metric |
Value for determining if metric used in KPI is Calculated |
KPI Chart |
Image of the Jepto Chart (Note: Looker Studio down scales quality) |
KPI Currency |
Symbol of the currency used in the data source of the KPI |
KPI End Date |
Date of the end of the reporting period |
A 16 character alphanumeric System defined ID |
KPI Name |
Auto generated name or custom name given to the KPI |
KPI Pacing |
The amount you are above or below the target for the period to date |
KPI Pacing Direction |
Value showing if your period to date pacing is above or below your target |
KPI Period |
Period of time the KPI is calculated over |
KPI Period Days Remaining |
Number of days left in the reporting period |
KPI Period Days Remaining Percentage |
Value representing the percentage of time left in the reporting period |
KPI Period To Date Performance |
Daily value for Calculated metrics |
KPI Prediction |
Value predicted by the Machine Learning algorithm for a Date |
KPI Prediction (Cumulative) |
Value predicted by the Machine Learning algorithm for a Date |
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