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Digital Marketing Tool SERP

Reduce manual workloads and get things done faster

Focus your time on tasks that produce bigger results

Cut out human error and easily track performance

SEO Traffic Forecast

Google Analytics predictions
of organic traffic

Accurate Machine Learning forecasts of Google Analytics metrics for predicting organic website traffic. Utilize forecasts to monitor your progress or compare outcomes from website changes.

Page status checker

Run daily HTTP status code checks with our crawler on all of your Clients sites without lifting a finger. If an issue is found you'll get an email notification with all the details to action straight away.

Website status monitoring
Search Console keyword tracking

Keyword Movement Alerts

Monitor for keywords entering/leaving the first page or position changes within the SERP. With daily checks and full control over country, device and keyword filtering you will on top of any keyword that is improving or declining.

Robots.txt Change Detection

Changes to the robots file can make or break site indexing, so rest assured that if anyone is making changes you will know about it.

Create an automated log of changes for future reference and never get caught out again.

Robots.txt change detection
Google Analytics change detection

Google Analytics
View Level Change History

Goals, filters and view level settings are crucial to your campaign optimizations and reporting, so safeguard yourself from unexpected changes and get detailed notifications of any modifications.

GBP Automation

Changes to your GBP profile can be made without your approval, but with our automation job you will always get notifications when the public or Google have pending changes to your listings.

Cut through the noisy email notifications and get alerts about only the GBP changes you care about.

GMB Automation

Your digital marketing
assistant that never sleeps

Jepto connects to your Marketing stack and allows you to automate tasks and
monitor your data to provide actionable Insights

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