Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) are often calculated at the end of a given period, when it’s too late to take action. Track your KPI progress in real time and act early with Jepto KPI Management.
Don't get to the end of the month to learn you’ve missed your targets. Take action during the month with predictions.
View all of your KPIs in a single view.
You can choose where you get notifications, Slack, email or both.
You can customize your view to be cumulative or series.
Statuses are calculated from actual progress and predictions to allow you to focus on what needs attention.
When you create a KPI, we show if you’ve met it in the three previous periods, to get an understanding of how achievable your goal is.
Choose from a variety of different options and settings to track a KPI that is right for you.
We fetch your latest data and update the prediction every hour, so you always have the latest information.
Get notifications on a schedule that suits you. Once a day or once a week the choice is yours.
Monitor your KPIs across your different marketing campaigns and platforms.
Utilize the Built-In dashboard or create your own in Data Studio.
See your KPIs in card or list format for your whole account or a specific Client. Add comments, see performance history or changes made to the KPI target over time, it's all recorded and available in the App.
Create your own customized reports in Data Studio that you can share with others or send scheduled PDF reports. Branding and layout are in your full control, so they can always match your style.
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Get serious about your KPIs and take a proactive approach to performance.