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Automation Jobs
Automation | Google Search Console
Automation | Google Business Profile
Automation | Google Ads
Automation | Google Analytics
Automation | Website
Automation | Facebook Ads
Automation | Microsoft Ads
KPI Management
KPI Management | Google Analytics
KPI Management | Google Ads
KPI Management | Google Business Profile
KPI Management | Facebook Ads
KPI Management | Microsoft Ads
KPI Management | Google Sheets
Budget Tracking
Budget Tracking | Google Sheets
Anomaly Detection
Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio
Data Warehouse | BigQuery
Data Warehouse | Google Business Profile
Data Warehouse | Google Search Console
Data Warehouse | Facebook Ads
Social Posts
Local Listings
Integrations | Google Looker Studio
Integrations | Slack
Integrations | Zapier
Integrations | Make
Integrations | Webhook
Comments | Slack
Extension | Explorer
Comments | Slack
Local Listings
Anomaly Detection
Anomaly Detection
Integrations | Webhook
Anomaly Detection
Anomaly Detection
Local Listings
Integrations | Make
Data Warehouse
Automation Jobs
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Automation Jobs
Budget Tracking
Budget Tracking
Budget Tracking
Budget Tracking
Integrations | Webhook
Budget Tracking
Budget Tracking
Local Listings
Local Listings | Media
Social Posts
Local Listings | Categories & Services
Local Listings | Categories & Services
Local Listings | Categories & Services
Integrations | Zapier
Integrations | Slack
Local Listings | Media
KPI Management
Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio
Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio
Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio
Automation Jobs
Social Posts
Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio
Data Warehouse
Social Posts
Data Warehouse | BigQuery
KPI Management
KPI Management | Microsoft Ads
KPI Management | Google Business Profile
KPI Management | Google Analytics
KPI Management | Facebook Ads
KPI Management | Google Ads
Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse
Social Posts
Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio
Data Warehouse
Social Posts
Data Warehouse | Facebook Ads
KPI Management | Facebook Ads
Automation | Facebook Ads
Insight | Facebook Ads
Data Warehouse | Google Business Profile
Frequently Asked Questions
Automation | Google Ads
Insight | Google Ads
Automation | Google Ads
Insight | Google Ads
Automation | Google Analytics
Insight | Google Analytics
Data Warehouse | BigQuery
Automation | Google Business Profile
Insight | Google Business Profile
Data Warehouse | Google Business Profile
Automation | Google Business Profile
Insight | Google Business Profile
Automation | Google Business Profile
Insight | Google Business Profile
Automation | Google Business Profile
Insight | Google Business Profile
Data Warehouse | Google Business Profile
Automation | Google Business Profile
Insight | Google Business Profile
Automation | Google Business Profile
Insight | Google Business Profile
Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse | Google Search Console
Budget Tracking | Google Sheets
KPI Management | Google Sheets
Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio
Local Listings
Frequently Asked Questions
Local Listings | Media
KPI Management
KPI Management
KPI Management
Integrations | Webhook
KPI Management
KPI Management
KPI Management
KPI Management
KPI Management
Local Listings
Local Listings
Local Listings | Media
Integrations | Google Looker Studio
Data Warehouse | BigQuery
Data Warehouse | BigQuery
Integrations | Google Looker Studio
Local Listings | Media
Local Listings | Media
Local Listings | Media
Local Listings | Media
Social Posts
Local Listings | Media
Automation | Microsoft Ads
Insight | Microsoft Ads
Local Listings | Google Business Profile
Automation | Website
Insight | Website
Local Listings
Data Warehouse
Local Listings | Platforms
Social Posts | Google Business Profile
Social Posts
Local Listings
Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio
Automation | Website
Insight | Website
Automation | Website
KPI Management
Social Posts
Automation | Google Search Console
Insight | Google Search Console
Automation | Google Search Console
Insight | Google Search Console
Local Listings
Integrations | Slack
Local Listings | Categories & Services
Local Listings | Categories & Services
Social Posts
Frequently Asked Questions
Comments | Slack
Local Listings
Anomaly Detection
Anomaly Detection
Integrations | Webhook
Anomaly Detection
Anomaly Detection
Local Listings
Integrations | Make
Data Warehouse
Automation Jobs
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Integrations | Webhook
Automation Jobs
Budget Tracking
Budget Tracking
Budget Tracking
Budget Tracking
Integrations | Webhook
Budget Tracking
Budget Tracking
Local Listings
Local Listings | Media
Social Posts
Local Listings | Categories & Services
Local Listings | Categories & Services
Local Listings | Categories & Services
Integrations | Zapier
Integrations | Slack
Local Listings | Media
KPI Management
Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio
Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio
Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio
Automation Jobs
Social Posts
Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio
Data Warehouse
Social Posts
Data Warehouse | BigQuery
KPI Management
KPI Management | Microsoft Ads
KPI Management | Google Business Profile
KPI Management | Google Analytics
KPI Management | Facebook Ads
KPI Management | Google Ads
Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse
Social Posts
Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio
Data Warehouse
Social Posts
Data Warehouse | Facebook Ads
KPI Management | Facebook Ads
Automation | Facebook Ads
Insight | Facebook Ads
Data Warehouse | Google Business Profile
Frequently Asked Questions
Automation | Google Ads
Insight | Google Ads
Automation | Google Ads
Insight | Google Ads
Automation | Google Analytics
Insight | Google Analytics
Data Warehouse | BigQuery
Automation | Google Business Profile
Insight | Google Business Profile
Data Warehouse | Google Business Profile
Automation | Google Business Profile
Insight | Google Business Profile
Automation | Google Business Profile
Insight | Google Business Profile
Automation | Google Business Profile
Insight | Google Business Profile
Data Warehouse | Google Business Profile
Automation | Google Business Profile
Insight | Google Business Profile
Automation | Google Business Profile
Insight | Google Business Profile
Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse | Google Search Console
Budget Tracking | Google Sheets
KPI Management | Google Sheets
Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio
Local Listings
Frequently Asked Questions
Local Listings | Media
KPI Management
KPI Management
KPI Management
Integrations | Webhook
KPI Management
KPI Management
KPI Management
KPI Management
KPI Management
Local Listings
Local Listings
Local Listings | Media
Integrations | Google Looker Studio
Data Warehouse | BigQuery
Data Warehouse | BigQuery
Integrations | Google Looker Studio
Local Listings | Media
Local Listings | Media
Local Listings | Media
Local Listings | Media
Social Posts
Local Listings | Media
Automation | Microsoft Ads
Insight | Microsoft Ads
Local Listings | Google Business Profile
Automation | Website
Insight | Website
Local Listings
Data Warehouse
Local Listings | Platforms
Social Posts | Google Business Profile
Social Posts
Local Listings
Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio
Automation | Website
Insight | Website
Automation | Website
KPI Management
Social Posts
Automation | Google Search Console
Insight | Google Search Console
Automation | Google Search Console
Insight | Google Search Console
Local Listings
Integrations | Slack
Local Listings | Categories & Services
Local Listings | Categories & Services
Social Posts
Frequently Asked Questions
When you create your KPI, we use advanced Machine Learning to predict future performance based upon your historic data trends and seasonality. In most cases the algorithm should be able to provide a reliable prediction, however if there have been significant changes that occurred in your historic data you will want to adjust the settings to get a better prediction.
Each setting has an effect on the prediction, however as each data set is unique you will need to determine which setting to adjust based upon your understanding.
Strength of Holiday Effect
Holidays are special events or periods that have an impact on the time series being analyzed. Examples of holidays include national holidays, religious observances, and school breaks. Decreasing the strength reduces the impact of prior holidays in the prediction.
Country for Holiday Data
You can select a country from the drop-down which will ensure that the algorithm takes into affect days throughout the year that might affect KPI values. This ensures that days leading up to and afterwards are considered to be anomalous and do not contribute to creating the seasonality or trend.
Seasonality Mode
Seasonality mode controls how seasonality is modeled in the time series analysis.
• Additive seasonality assumes that the seasonal component of the time series has a constant magnitude, and is added to the trend and other components of the time series. This is appropriate when the magnitude of the seasonal variation is consistent across the range of the data.
• Multiplicative seasonality assumes that the seasonal component of the time series varies in proportion to the level of the trend or other components of the time series.This is appropriate when the magnitude of the seasonal variation changes as the time series grows or shrinks
Strength of Seasonality
Seasonality strength controls the weight of seasonal components in the time series.Increasing the strength helps capture repeating patterns in the data,and reducing the strength can be useful when the seasonal patterns are weak or disrupted, such as:
1. Your data has a lot of noise or randomness.
2. There have been significant changes in the underlying dynamics of the time series that have disrupted seasonal patterns. For example, if there has been a sudden shift in consumer behavior due to a major event such as a pandemic, the seasonal patterns that were previously present may no longer be reliable indicators of future behavior.
3. Short or irregular time series data where the seasonal patterns are not well-established. For example, if you are forecasting sales for a new product that has only been on the market for a few months, the seasonal patterns may not bevery clear or consistent yet. In this case, reducing the seasonality strength can help the ML model avoid overfitting to the limited data available, and produce more accurate forecasts.
Changepoint Flexibility
Changepoint flexibility controls how the model identifies potential change points in a time series data, which is used to determine trends. A larger value allows the model to be more flexible and can detect smaller changes in the data. If too large, the model may overfit the data and identify too many small and meaningless changes.
Over fitting in machine learning refers to a situation where a model learns the training data too well, to the point that it performs poorly on new, unseen data.
A smaller value leads to a less flexible model that can only identify larger changes in the data. If too small, the model may fail to identify important changes in the data. The optimal value will vary depending on the specific dataset and often requires trial and error experimentation.
Changepoint Range
This parameter determines the proportion of the historical data will be considered for creating changepoints.
It's measured from the beginning of the time series, and a value of 0.8 means changepoints can be placed in the first 80% of the historical data.
Decreasing the range (e.g., to 0.5):
- Restricts changepoints to earlier in the time series.
- Can make the model less sensitive to recent changes.
- Might emphasize longer-term trends.
Increasing the range (e.g., to 0.9):
- Allows changepoints to be placed later in the time series.
- Can make the model more responsive to recent trends.
- Might capture more recent shifts in the data.
If you believe recent changes are crucial for your forecast, consider using a larger changepoint range. If you want to emphasize long-term trends and reduce sensitivity to recent fluctuations, use a smaller range.
Data Preprocessing
If you data has gaps you have the option for selecting a preprocessing method for KPI forecasting. It's important to consider the nature of your data and the specific KPI you're forecasting. Here's a general recommendation:
For KPI forecasting, Linear Interpolation or Spline Interpolation are often the best choices. These methods help maintain the overall trend and patterns in your data, which is crucial for accurate forecasting. Linear Interpolation works well for KPIs that change relatively steadily over time, while Spline Interpolation can capture more complex patterns and is suitable for KPIs with smoother, non-linear trends.
Avoid using No Fill, as missing data points can significantly impact forecast accuracy. Fill With Previous Value can be appropriate for KPIs that tend to remain stable for periods of time, but it may not capture changing trends effectively. Fill With Zero is generally not recommended for KPI forecasting, as it can introduce artificial patterns and skew your predictions.
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