
Help Center

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions







Insight | Google Search Console

Google Search Console

Insight | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile

Insight | Google Ads

Google Ads

Insight | Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Insight | Website


Insight | Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads

Insight | Microsoft Ads

Microsoft Ads
Automation Jobs

Automation Jobs

Automation | Google Search Console

Google Search Console

Automation | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile

Automation | Google Ads

Google Ads

Automation | Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Automation | Website


Automation | Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads

Automation | Microsoft Ads

Microsoft Ads
KPI Management

KPI Management

KPI Management | Google Analytics

Google Analytics

KPI Management | Google Ads

Google Ads

KPI Management | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile

KPI Management | Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads

KPI Management | Microsoft Ads

Microsoft Ads

KPI Management | Google Sheets

Google Sheets
Budget Tracking

Budget Tracking

Budget Tracking | Google Sheets

Google Sheets
Anomaly Detection

Anomaly Detection

Data Warehouse

Data Warehouse

Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio

Google Looker Studio

Data Warehouse | BigQuery

Google BigQuery

Data Warehouse | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile (Formerly Google My Business)

Data Warehouse | Google Search Console

Google Search Console

Data Warehouse | Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads
Social Posts

Social Posts

Local Listings

Local Listings







Integrations | Google Looker Studio

Google Looker Studio

Integrations | Slack


Integrations | Zapier


Integrations | Make


Integrations | Webhook



Comments | Slack



Extension | Explorer

Branch Explorer
Add comment from Slack

Comments | Slack



Anomalies Bulk Action

Anomaly Detection

Anomaly Algorithm

Anomaly Detection

Anomaly Detection

Integrations | Webhook

Anomaly Job Common Errors

Anomaly Detection


Local Listings


Integrations | Make

Automation: Google Review

Integrations | Webhook

Automation: Page Status Checker

Integrations | Webhook

Budget Common Errors

Budget Tracking

Budget Settings

Budget Tracking

Budget Status

Budget Tracking

Budget Tracker

Integrations | Webhook

Budget history

Budget Tracking

Budgets Bulk Actions

Budget Tracking

Bulk Action

Local Listings

Bulk Upload Images

Local Listings | Media


Social Posts


Local Listings | Categories & Services

Categories Bulk Action

Local Listings | Categories & Services

Category and Service List

Local Listings | Categories & Services

Connecting Zapier

Integrations | Zapier

Connecting to Slack

Integrations | Slack

Cover Photo Guide

Local Listings | Media

Create a Looker Studio Report for Facebook Ads

Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio

Create a Looker Studio Report for Google Search Console

Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio

Creating a Looker Studio Report

Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio

Creating a Pipeline

Data Warehouse

Data Source Metrics

KPI Management | Microsoft Ads

Data Source Metrics

KPI Management | Google Business Profile

Data Source Metrics

KPI Management | Google Analytics

Data Source Metrics

KPI Management | Facebook Ads

Data Source Metrics

KPI Management | Google Ads

Draft Posts

Social Posts

Edit default Looker Studio Report

Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio

Editing a Pipeline

Data Warehouse

Error Posts

Social Posts

Facebook Ads Fields

Data Warehouse | Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads KPI

KPI Management | Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads destination URL checker

Automation | Facebook Ads

Fast Reply


Free Connector to Data Warehouse field comparison

Data Warehouse | Google Business Profile

Getting Started

Frequently Asked Questions

Google Ads change history

Automation | Google Ads

Google Ads destination URL checker

Automation | Google Ads

Google Analytics change history

Automation | Google Analytics

Google Analytics change history Insight

Insight | Google Analytics

Google BigQuery Permissions

Data Warehouse | BigQuery

Google Business Profile Change History

Automation | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile Change History Insight

Insight | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile Fields

Data Warehouse | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile Listing Answers

Automation | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile Listing Answers Insight

Insight | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile Listing Questions

Automation | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile Listing Questions Insight

Insight | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile Pending Updates

Automation | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile Pending Updates Insight

Insight | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile Reporting Timezone

Data Warehouse | Google Business Profile

Google Review Change History

Automation | Google Business Profile

Google Review Change History Insight

Insight | Google Business Profile

Google Reviews

Automation | Google Business Profile

Google Reviews Insight

Insight | Google Business Profile

Google Search Console Fields

Data Warehouse | Google Search Console

Google Sheets for Budgets

Budget Tracking | Google Sheets

Google Sheets format

KPI Management | Google Sheets

Grant access to BigQuery data

Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio

How to use Regex and Examples

Frequently Asked Questions

Image Categories

Local Listings | Media

KPI Common Errors

KPI Management

KPI Forecasting

KPI Management

KPI Insight


KPI Management

Integrations | Webhook

KPI Seasonal Trends

KPI Management

KPI Status

KPI Management

KPI history

KPI Management

KPIs Bulk Actions

KPI Management

Local Profiles

Local Listings

Logo Photo Guide

Local Listings | Media

Looker Studio Parameters

Integrations | Google Looker Studio

Managed BigQuery

Data Warehouse | BigQuery

Management - Looker Studio Connector Fields

Integrations | Google Looker Studio


Local Listings | Media

Media Bulk Actions

Local Listings | Media

Media Description

Local Listings | Media

Media file requirements

Local Listings | Media

Microsoft Ads destination URL checker

Automation | Microsoft Ads

Page status checker

Automation | Website


Local Listings

Pipeline Extensions

Data Warehouse


Local Listings | Platforms



Post Types

Social Posts | Google Business Profile



Published Posts

Social Posts

Questions and Answers

Local Listings

Refresh data source fields

Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio

Robots.txt change detection

Automation | Website

Rolling Average

KPI Management

Scheduled Posts

Social Posts

Search Console Activity

Automation | Google Search Console

Search Console Activity Insight

Insight | Google Search Console

Search Console keyword movement

Automation | Google Search Console

Search Console keyword movement Insight

Insight | Google Search Console

Search Keywords

Local Listings

Sending Slack Notifications

Integrations | Slack


Local Listings | Categories & Services

Services Bulk Action

Local Listings | Categories & Services

Social Posts

Social Posts

Submit a Ticket

Frequently Asked Questions

The Funnel-Stage Terms

Extension | Explorer

Add comment from Slack

Comments | Slack



Anomalies Bulk Action

Anomaly Detection

Anomaly Algorithm

Anomaly Detection

Anomaly Detection

Integrations | Webhook

Anomaly Job Common Errors

Anomaly Detection


Local Listings


Integrations | Make

Automation: Google Review

Integrations | Webhook

Automation: Page Status Checker

Integrations | Webhook

Budget Common Errors

Budget Tracking

Budget Settings

Budget Tracking

Budget Status

Budget Tracking

Budget Tracker

Integrations | Webhook

Budget history

Budget Tracking

Budgets Bulk Actions

Budget Tracking

Bulk Action

Local Listings

Bulk Upload Images

Local Listings | Media


Social Posts


Local Listings | Categories & Services

Categories Bulk Action

Local Listings | Categories & Services

Category and Service List

Local Listings | Categories & Services

Connecting Zapier

Integrations | Zapier

Connecting to Slack

Integrations | Slack

Cover Photo Guide

Local Listings | Media

Create a Looker Studio Report for Facebook Ads

Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio

Create a Looker Studio Report for Google Search Console

Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio

Creating a Looker Studio Report

Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio

Creating a Pipeline

Data Warehouse

Data Source Metrics

KPI Management | Microsoft Ads

Data Source Metrics

KPI Management | Google Business Profile

Data Source Metrics

KPI Management | Google Analytics

Data Source Metrics

KPI Management | Facebook Ads

Data Source Metrics

KPI Management | Google Ads

Draft Posts

Social Posts

Edit default Looker Studio Report

Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio

Editing a Pipeline

Data Warehouse

Error Posts

Social Posts

Facebook Ads Fields

Data Warehouse | Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads KPI

KPI Management | Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads destination URL checker

Automation | Facebook Ads

Fast Reply


Free Connector to Data Warehouse field comparison

Data Warehouse | Google Business Profile

Getting Started

Frequently Asked Questions

Google Ads change history

Automation | Google Ads

Google Ads destination URL checker

Automation | Google Ads

Google Analytics change history

Automation | Google Analytics

Google Analytics change history Insight

Insight | Google Analytics

Google BigQuery Permissions

Data Warehouse | BigQuery

Google Business Profile Change History

Automation | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile Change History Insight

Insight | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile Fields

Data Warehouse | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile Listing Answers

Automation | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile Listing Answers Insight

Insight | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile Listing Questions

Automation | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile Listing Questions Insight

Insight | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile Pending Updates

Automation | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile Pending Updates Insight

Insight | Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile Reporting Timezone

Data Warehouse | Google Business Profile

Google Review Change History

Automation | Google Business Profile

Google Review Change History Insight

Insight | Google Business Profile

Google Reviews

Automation | Google Business Profile

Google Reviews Insight

Insight | Google Business Profile

Google Search Console Fields

Data Warehouse | Google Search Console

Google Sheets for Budgets

Budget Tracking | Google Sheets

Google Sheets format

KPI Management | Google Sheets

Grant access to BigQuery data

Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio

How to use Regex and Examples

Frequently Asked Questions

Image Categories

Local Listings | Media

KPI Common Errors

KPI Management

KPI Forecasting

KPI Management

KPI Insight


KPI Management

Integrations | Webhook

KPI Seasonal Trends

KPI Management

KPI Status

KPI Management

KPI history

KPI Management

KPIs Bulk Actions

KPI Management

Local Profiles

Local Listings

Logo Photo Guide

Local Listings | Media

Looker Studio Parameters

Integrations | Google Looker Studio

Managed BigQuery

Data Warehouse | BigQuery

Management - Looker Studio Connector Fields

Integrations | Google Looker Studio


Local Listings | Media

Media Bulk Actions

Local Listings | Media

Media Description

Local Listings | Media

Media file requirements

Local Listings | Media

Microsoft Ads destination URL checker

Automation | Microsoft Ads

Page status checker

Automation | Website


Local Listings

Pipeline Extensions

Data Warehouse


Local Listings | Platforms



Post Types

Social Posts | Google Business Profile



Published Posts

Social Posts

Questions and Answers

Local Listings

Refresh data source fields

Data Warehouse | Google Looker Studio

Robots.txt change detection

Automation | Website

Rolling Average

KPI Management

Scheduled Posts

Social Posts

Search Console Activity

Automation | Google Search Console

Search Console Activity Insight

Insight | Google Search Console

Search Console keyword movement

Automation | Google Search Console

Search Console keyword movement Insight

Insight | Google Search Console

Search Keywords

Local Listings

Sending Slack Notifications

Integrations | Slack


Local Listings | Categories & Services

Services Bulk Action

Local Listings | Categories & Services

Social Posts

Social Posts

Submit a Ticket

Frequently Asked Questions

The Funnel-Stage Terms

Extension | Explorer

Choose article...
Data Warehouse | Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads Fields

Transferring your Facebook Ads data into Google Big Query is quick and hassle-free. To make analyzing easy in Data Studio the data is broken down into entities, however there are some important concepts you need to understand to get the right result.

The process of moving your data into Big Query begins by fetching your historic data, with the timeframes of each entity shown below. After this, a daily incremental update is performed to keep everything up to date.

How to create a Data Studio Report for Facebook


Choose the right table for your report:

  • <fieldName2>jepto_ad_insight<fieldName2> - This table contains all insights data and will suit most use cases.
  • <fieldName2>jepto_ad_age_gender<fieldName2> - This tables values are broken down by age and gender.

Entity date ranges for syncing

Entity Historic Data Period Daily Update Schedule

Age and Gender

From 38 months ago up to 1 day ago 1 day ago


From 38 months ago up to 1 day ago 1 day ago

Insight Structure

Facebook data is broken down into a hierarchy: Account, Campaign, Ad set and Ad. Knowing how they work will help you understand how your data is being stored and produce accurate reports.

Most metrics are available at the four levels, so to ensure that you get the right value shown in Data Studio select the metric you want to display and then apply a filter. Create and apply the filter to the chart with the insight_type. See the diagram below for the values of the different levels. If you get stuck at any point just reach out to support and we can help you build our your report.

Why this is important: Metrics like 'Reach' are calculated by the number of unique people that saw your Ad. If you use the data at an Ad level, adding the reach together can double count a user across multiple Ads. If however you chose the Campaign level, any user who saw multiple Ads would only be counted once.

Field Legends

Field - This is a normal field without subfields.

Parent field + Action type - This field contains subfields. It’s combination of parent field and action type.

List of Fields

Fields that are available on <fieldName2>jepto_ad_insight<fieldName2> table and <fieldName2>jepto_ad_age_gender<fieldName2> table.

Field Type Description


TextText Currency that is used by your ad account.


TextText The ID number of your ad account, which groups your advertising activity. Your ad account includes your campaigns, ads and billing.


TextText The name of your ad account, which groups your advertising activity. Your ad account includes your campaigns, ads and billing.


NumericNumber ad_click_actions


TextText The unique ID of the ad you're viewing in reporting.


TextText The name of the ad you're viewing in reporting.


TextText The unique ID of the ad set you're viewing in reporting. An ad set is a group of ads that share the same budget, schedule, delivery optimization and targeting.


TextText The name of the ad set you're viewing in reporting. An ad set is a group of ads that share the same budget, schedule, delivery optimization and targeting.


TextText The method by which you pay for and target ads in your campaigns: through dynamic auction bidding, fixed-price bidding, or reach and frequency buying. This field is currently only visible at the campaign level.


TextText The method by which you pay for and target ads in your campaigns: through dynamic auction bidding, fixed-price bidding, or reach and frequency buying. This field is currently only visible at the campaign level.


TextText The unique ID number of the ad campaign you're viewing in reporting. Your campaign contains ad sets and ads.


TextText The name of the ad campaign you're viewing in reporting. Your campaign contains ad sets and ads.


NumericNumber The average percentage of the Instant Experience that people saw. An Instant Experience is a screen that opens after someone interacts with your ad on a mobile device. It may include a series of interactive or multimedia components, including video, images product catalog and more.


NumericNumber The average total time, in seconds, that people spent viewing an Instant Experience. An Instant Experience is a screen that opens after someone interacts with your ad on a mobile device. It may include a series of interactive or multimedia components, including video, images product catalog and more.


TextText The total value of all conversions from your catalog segment attributed to your ads.


NumericNumber The number of clicks on your ads.


TextText A ranking of your ad's expected conversion rate. Your ad is ranked against ads with your optimization goal that competed for the same audience. Possible values include BELOW_AVERAGE_10, BELOW_AVERAGE_20, BELOW_AVERAGE_35, AVERAGE, ABOVE_AVERAGE, or UNKNOWN if there's not enough information about the ad. This metric is an ad relevance diagnostic and does not apply to campaigns or ad sets, only ads.


TextText The number of products purchased which are recorded by your merchant partner's pixel or app SDK for a given product ID and driven by your ads. Has to be used together with converted product ID breakdown.


TextText The value of purchases recorded by your merchant partner's pixel or app SDK for a given product ID and driven by your ads. Has to be used together with converted product ID breakdown.


NumericNumber The average cost for each estimated ad recall lift. This metric is only available for assets in the Brand awareness, Post engagement and Video views Objectives. This metric is estimated and in development.


NumericNumber The average cost for each outbound click.


NumericNumber Call Confirmation Clicks


NumericNumber The average cost of each inline link click.


NumericNumber The average cost of each inline post engagement.


NumericNumber The average cost for each unique click (all). This metric is estimated.


NumericNumber The average cost of each unique inline link click. This metric is estimated.


NumericNumber The average cost for each click (all).


NumericNumber The average cost for 1,000 impressions.


NumericNumber The average cost to reach 1,000 people. This metric is estimated.


NumericNumber The percentage of times people saw your ad and performed a click (all).


CalendarDate Date when the ad insight was created.


TextText The start date for your data. This is controlled by the date range you've selected for your reporting view.


TextText The end date for your data. This is controlled by the date range you've selected for your reporting view.


TextText A ranking of your ad's expected engagement rate. Engagement includes all clicks, likes, comments and shares. Your ad is ranked against ads that competed for the same audience. Possible values include BELOW_AVERAGE_10, BELOW_AVERAGE_20, BELOW_AVERAGE_35, AVERAGE, ABOVE_AVERAGE, or UNKNOWN if there's not enough information about the ad. This metric is an ad relevance diagnostic and does not apply to campaigns or ad sets, only ads.


NumericNumber The rate at which an estimated number of additional people, when asked, would remember seeing your ads within 2 days. This metric is only available for assets in the Brand awareness, Post engagement and Video views Objectives. This metric is estimated and in development.


NumericNumber An estimate of the number of additional people who may remember seeing your ads, if asked, within 2 days. This metric is only available for assets in the Brand awareness, Post engagement and Video views Objectives. This metric is estimated and in development.


NumericNumber The average number of times each person saw your ad. This metric is estimated.


NumericNumber The number of Full Views on your Page's posts as a result of your ad.


NumericNumber The number of people who performed a Full View on your Page's post as a result of your ad.


NumericNumber The number of times your ads were on screen.


NumericNumber The percentage of time people saw your ads and performed an inline link click.


NumericNumber The number of clicks on links to select destinations or experiences, on or off Facebook-owned properties. Inline link clicks use a fixed 1-day-click attribution window.


NumericNumber The total number of actions that people take involving your ads. Inline post engagements use a fixed 1-day-click attribution window.


TextText For Jepto use only


TextText Can be one of (ad, campaign, adset, account)


TextText The number of clicks on links in an Instant Experience that take people off Facebook-owned properties. This metric is in development.


NumericNumber The number of clicks on your ad that open an Instant Experience. This metric is in development.


NumericNumber The number of times an interactive component in an Instant Experience starts. This metric is in development.


NumericNumber The total return on ad spend (ROAS) from mobile app purchases. This is based on the value that you assigned when you set up the app event.


TextText The objective reflecting the goal you want to achieve with your advertising. It may be different from the selected objective of the campaign in some cases.


TextText The optimization goal you selected for your ad or ad set. Your optimization goal reflects what you want to optimize for the ads.


TextText The name of the place page involved in impression or click. Has to be used together with Business Locations breakdown.


NumericNumber qualifying_question_qualify_answer_rate


TextText A ranking of your ad's perceived quality. Quality is measured using feedback on your ads and the post-click experience. Your ad is ranked against ads that competed for the same audience. Possible values include BELOW_AVERAGE_10, BELOW_AVERAGE_20, BELOW_AVERAGE_35, AVERAGE, ABOVE_AVERAGE, or UNKNOWN if there's not enough information about the ad. This metric is an ad relevance diagnostic ( and does not apply to campaigns or ad sets, only ads.


NumericNumber The number of people who saw your ads at least once. Reach is different from impressions, which may include multiple views of your ads by the same people. This metric is estimated.


NumericNumber The total amount you've spent so far for your ads showed with social information. (ex: Jane Doe likes this).


NumericNumber The estimated total amount of money you've spent on your campaign, ad set or ad during its schedule. This metric is estimated.


TextText The total number of postbacks received from Apple’s SKAdNetwork API. Postbacks from SKAdNetwork provide visibility into the number of app installs and post-install events that occurred. This metric is reported by a third-party API. Note: total_postbacks should not be queried with other field values. Request this metric separately from others.


TextText For Jepto use only


NumericNumber The number of times your video played for at least 15 seconds, or for nearly its total length if it's shorter than 15 seconds. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video.


NumericNumber The number of times your video played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly its total length if it's shorter than 30 seconds. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video.


NumericNumber The number of times your video played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly its total length if it's shorter than 30 seconds. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video.


NumericNumber The average time a video was played, including any time spent replaying the video for a single impression.

The average time a video was played, including any time spent replaying the video for a single impression.

NumericNumber The number of times your video was played at 100% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.


NumericNumber The number of times your video was played at 25% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.


NumericNumber The number of times your video was played at 75% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.


NumericNumber The number of times your video was played at 50% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.


NumericNumber The number of times your video was played at 95% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.


NumericNumber The number of times your video starts to play. This is counted for each impression of a video, and excludes replays. This metric is in development.


TextText A video-play based curve graph that illustrates the percentage of video plays that reached a given second. Entries 0 to 14 represent seconds 0 thru 14. Entries 15 to 17 represent second ranges [15 to 20), [20 to 25), and [25 to 30). Entries 18 to 20 represent second ranges [30 to 40), [40 to 50), and [50 to 60). Entry 21 represents plays over 60 seconds.


NumericNumber The number of times your video starts to play. This is counted for each impression of a video, and excludes replays. This metric is in development.


NumericNumber The percentage of times people saw your ad and performed a link click.


NumericNumber The percentage of times people saw your ad and performed a link click.


NumericNumber The total return on ad spend (ROAS) from website purchases. This is based on the value of all conversions recorded by the Facebook pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.


Action Types The total value of all conversions attributed to your ads.

Example combinations:



Action Types The total number of actions people took that are attributed to your ads. Actions may include engagement, clicks or conversions.

Example combinations:



Action Types The total number of conversions across all channels (i.e. website, mobile app, offline, and on-facebook) attributed to your ads. Visit the Ads Action Stats reference for a list of conversions.

Example combinations:



Action Types cost_per_ad_click

Example combinations:



Action Types The average cost of a relevant action.

Example combinations:



Action Types The average cost of a conversion across all channels (i.e. website, mobile app, offline, and on-facebook). Conversions include contact, customize_product, donate, find_location, schedule, start_trial, submit_application, subscribe, recurring_subscription_payment, cancel_subscription, ad_click, ad_impression.

Example combinations:



Action Types The average cost of a conversion across all channels (i.e. website, mobile app, offline, and on-facebook). Conversions include contact, customize_product, donate, find_location, schedule, start_trial, submit_application, subscribe, recurring_subscription_payment, cancel_subscription, ad_click, ad_impression.

Example combinations:



Action Types The average cost for each ThruPlay. This metric is in development.

Example combinations:



Action Types The average cost of each unique action. This metric is estimated.

Example combinations:



Action Types The average cost for each unique outbound click. This metric is estimated.

Example combinations:



Action Types The number of clicks on links that take people off Facebook-owned properties.

Example combinations:



Action Types The percentage of times people saw your ad and performed an outbound click.

Example combinations:



Action Types The total return on ad spend (ROAS) from purchases. This is based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools and attributed to your ads.

Example combinations:


Age and Gender table

These fields are only available for <fieldName2>jepto_ad_age_gender<fieldName2> table.

Field Type Description


TextText The age range of the people you've reached.


TextText Gender of people you've reached. People who don't list their gender are shown as 'not specified'.

List of Action types

Action types are list of suffix that can be combine to parent field to create multiple combinations: Parent field + Action type

Field Description


Mobile App Feature Unlocks


Mobile App Starts


Mobile App Payment Details


Mobile App Adds To Cart


Mobile App Adds to Wishlist


Mobile App Registrations


Mobile App Content Views


Mobile App Checkouts


Mobile App Achievements


Mobile App Purchases


Mobile App Ratings


Mobile App Searchs


Mobile App Credit Spends


Mobile App Tutorial Completions


Other Mobile App Actions


App Installs


App Uses




Post Comments


Credit Spends


Game Plays


Landing Page Views


Page Likes


Link Clicks


Mobile App Installs


Custom Conversion key


Custom Conversion value


Adds Payment Info


Adds To Cart


Adds To Wishlis


Completed Registration


Custom pixel events defined by the advertiser


Initiates Checkout








Views Content


On-Facebook Workflow Completions


Blocked Messaging Conversations


Messaging Conversations Started


New Messaging Conversations


Post Saves


On-Facebook Purchases


Outbound Clicks


Page Photo Views


Post Shares


Post Reactions


Event Responses


3-Second Video Views




Website Contacts


Mobile App Contacts


Offline Contacts


Products Customized


Website Products Customized


Mobile App Products Customized


Offline Products Customized




Website Donations


On Facebook Donations


Mobile App Donations


Offline Donations


Location Searches


Website Location Searches


Mobile App Location Searches


Offline App Location Searches


Appointments Scheduled


Website Appointments Scheduled


Mobile App Appointments Scheduled


Offline App Appointments Scheduled


Trials Started


Website Trials Started


Mobile App Trials Started


Offline Trials Started


Applications Submitted


Website Applications Submitted


Mobile App Applications Submitted


Offline Applications Submitted


On Facebook Applications Submitted




Website Subscriptions


Mobile App Subscriptions


Offline Subscriptions


Recurring Subscription Payments


Website Recurring Subscription Payments


Mobile App Recurring Subscription Payments


Offline Recurring Subscription Payments


Canceled Subscriptions


Website Canceled Subscriptions


Mobile App Canceled Subscriptions


Offline Canceled Subscriptions


In-App Ad Clicks


In-App Ad Impressions


Call Confirmation Clicks


Page Engagement


Post Engagement


All On-Facebook Leads


All offsite leads plus all On-Facebook leads


On-Facebook leads coming from Messenger and Instant Forms


App Installs




Adds to Cart


Registrations Completed


Content Views




Checkouts Initiated


Achievements Unlocked




Ratings Submitted


Credit Spends


Tutorials Completed


Custom Events

How to use the fields in Data Studio Report?

For example you want to get the value of your Cost per action type field, you have to choose what insight type you want to get the value by adding a filter or excluding some data's by adding additional filter. See the list below to choose which filter is best fit for your field.

Preset Filter options in Data Studio Templates:

  • CampaignInsight - Filter data by campaign level, using this filter will show all data that is part of campaign level only.
  • AdSetInsight - Filter data by ad set level, using this filter will exclude all data that is not part of ad set level.
  • AdInsight - Filter data by ad level, using this filter will exclude all data that is not part of ad level.
  • ExcludeNull - Exclude null values.
  • ExcludeNullCampaign - Exclude null campaign values.

See the Data Studio Report Template to get up and running quickly

Custom Fields

If a field is not available or you would like to make custom fields, you can create your own field, by adding a new field in your table and writing your formula. If you get stuck, please contact support and they will help you.

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